Tray Micro Retention short, empty, size S


A tray for assorting all drills (short) which are necessary for the preparation of the implant site for an IMPLA Micro Retention implant.

Product number: SW-635123
Product information "Tray Micro Retention short, empty, size S"

Micro Retention – predestined for application in a cancellous upper jaw bone

This compact tray comes without tools. In this tray, you can assort all your short drills (33.5 mm) which are necessary for the preparation of the implant site for an IMPLA Micro Retention implant.

The intuitive set-up of the tray with a uniform color code and a special arrangement of the instruments provides for easy handling. As the tray manages without silicone plugs, it ensures maximum hygiene.

Micro Retention Tray short, equipped with tools: article no. 635114

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