Enamel Plus Temp intro kit,


Aesthetic system for acrylic temporaries: Biocompatible** - Non-toxic** - Reduced Plaque Accumulation** - Fluorescent

Product number: 400000
Product information "Enamel Plus Temp intro kit,"

Aesthetic System for Acrylic Temporaries
Biocompatible** – Non-toxic** – Reduced Plaque Accumulation** – Fluorescent

Aesthetic Temporary Restorations
""Enamel plus Temp"" helps you to imitate the tooth function as well as its aesthetic appearance. Temporary restorations made of ""Enamel plus Temp"" are an excellent basis for a holistic, diagnostic treatment. This offers the opportunity to dentist and patient to make adjustments in the temporary restoration which can be transferred to the permanent restoration later.

Your benefits:

  • Only a few steps to obtain an outstanding color match
  • Special incisal shades
  • Natural shades, close to natural tooth shades
  • Exceptionally high surface hardness for durable restorations
  • Polishes quickly and easily
  • Extraordinary physical properties


  • 4 x Dentin, 50 g: UD2 (A2), UD3 (A3), UD3.5 (A3.5), UD4 (A4)
  • 1 x Universal Enamel UE2, 50 g
  • 1 x Opalescent Blue Enamel, 50 g
  • 1 x Self-curing monomer liquid, 100 ml

** Cytotoxicity test with direct cell contact ASTM F 813-83 and with Agar diffusion according to ASTM F895-84 with test extraction irritation and allergy sensititzation test according to Buehler, OECD 406-92 and DIR CEE 93/21.

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