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torque wrench 4 Ncm,
Using this torque wrench the inner matrix is screwed into the matrix housing and set onto the patrix. Inner assembly matrices with blue acrylic inserts should not be used as permanent inner matrices in prostheses, they are intended exclusively for use in the dental laboratory.
ball anchor 4/5.3 mm,
4 mm / 5,3 mm
Partial and hybrid prostheses with a 2.25 mm round head. Two different gingival heights 2 mm and 4 mm.
activator / deactivator,
Using this wrench, the gold inner matrix can be compressed (activated) or expanded to match the position of the prosthesis.
inner matrix yellow/light,
Gelb / Schwach
If the inner matrix is exchanged during a recall, it can be replaced in seconds by a completely new inner matrix, using a specially made torque wrench. Three color-coded inner matrices with standardized shearing force are available. With existing prostheses where the acrylic inner matrix appears too weak, this can be exchanged for the precious metal inner matrix very easily,without having to change the retention cap!
retention cap, small, for framework stabilization
Various inner matrices can be screwed into the retention cap using this specially made torque wrench. If the inner matrix gets worn out, they can be replaced easily, without having to change the inner matrix.
retention cap, large, for resin curing, for resin curing
Various inner matrices can be screwed into the retention cap using this specially made torque wrench. If the inner matrix gets worn out, they can be replaced easily, without having to change the inner matrix.